Hi to everyone who comes across our blog! I just wanted to start off by outlining what it is we are hoping to achive. Much of what Arizona A.R.E. does is centered around either our Study Groups - weekly meetings of small groups of members in their own homes, and mainly exploring spirtual growth through the communal studying of Cayce's 'Search for God' study books - and our spring and winter programme of events.
The events are popular and well attended with a variety of speakers from all over the country, speaking on various subjects related to the Cayce 'readings'. Many of our new members join the A.R.E. as a result of attending these events.
However, we very much wanted to open ourselves to a two-way dialogue with anyone who has an interest, or questions, or comments about the work of Edgar Cayce, whether that be for his holistic medicinal, spiritual or prophetic teachings. What better way to do that than through this wonderful new medium of 'blogging'.
Many of our core members will be posting on a regular basis, and we do encourage anyone with a comment or question to join in the conversation by utilising the 'comments' section of the blog. We will always do our best to try to answer any questions you might have. And for general information about Arizona A.R.E. and its activities you can always visit our regular website at www.edgarcayceaz.org
We very much look forward to hearing from you.